Elements of the Main Window The main window of the program contains the following elements:
Main menu The main menu contains control items, invoked from drop-down submenus. The main menu can be optionally displayed or dispensed with, depending on the "Main menu" setting in General Settings. If the main menu is not displayed, you can use the Toolbar and 'hot-keys'. The Toolbar The Toolbar panel contains several buttons, which invoke operations directly or via a submenu. The appearance of the Toolbar depends on the current tableau (Chart, Cosmos, Sky, etc). The buttons have popup hints, which appear when the mouse pointer is paused over them. The Toolbar can be optionally displayed or removed, depending on the "Toolbar" setting in General Settings. It can also be set to work in auto-hide mode, i.e. to appear only when the mouse pointer is moved to the upper border of the window. The popup menu of the Toolbar allows to invoce a Wizard of Toolbar's mode, allowing to disply only buttons you wish and hide others, specify an order of buttons on the Toolbar, choose small or large button size. The buttons have a popup hints. If all buttons can't located on the Toolbar, then appears additional button with a menu of other (not located) buttons. There is additional popup toolbar appears when move a mouse pointer to right-top corner of the tableau. The set of buttons on this toolbar depends of current tableau (natal chart, geographical map, celestial sphere, ets.): Tableau The tableau is the main information part of the window. The program has the following tableaux. All the tableaux are connected thru having the same 'current time', i.e. the time and date of the Event Data window.
Select the desired tableau using the main menu, or the Toolbar buttons, or hot-keys. Ordinarily ZET 9 displays one tableau at a time. You can, however, view multiple connected tableaux by starting new instances of the program, and synchronizing them to operate in Joint mode, so that they share the current time (see Event Data). Chart, Cosmos, and Geographical Map tableaux have their own popup menus of options. Status bar The Status bar is located at the bottom of the window, and is used for displaying important settings, and for operational messages. Items on the Status bar which have info tooltips also function as control buttons (from left to right):