Real-time Clock

The Real-time Clock is a mode of work when the time of the birth or event data is automatically adjusted according with computer timer, to effect corresponding changes to ZET's various tableaux.

You may switch ON/OFF the real time clock mode by following ways:

  • Press "R" key (the focus of input should be in main ZET window), will appears the "Real-time Clock" window.

    If dual chart established, then you can select core or background time to affected by real time.

    Click "Turn ON" button.

  • Move mouse cursor to the Indicator of real-time clock in ZET status line, and double click it by left mouse button.

  • If the main menu of ZET is established, then select "Control" item and then "Real-time Clock (Core)" or "Real-time Clock (Background)".

The Real-time Clock do not used for core data, if the chart type is not "Horary" and the name of native is specified.

Also there is an option, allows to run ZET with Real-time Clock mode, see "Settings", "General Settings", "General" tab, "Start ZET with Real-time Clock running".