Horoscope Readings A comprehensive interpretation - astrological 'reading' - can be obtained for the different types of horoscope chart. (Specific interpretations of planets, houses, aspects, etc are available interactively by right-clicking glyphs on the chart wheel and selecting "Interpretation" and "Description" from the popup menus). NOTE: interpretations are subject to appropriate texts being available. The comprehensive Interpretation Setup window is opened by:
Selection of reading The Interpretation Setup window has settings for obtaining different readings based on the chart on the Chart tableau. This allows you to obtain readings relevant to the current natal data, without first having to erect derivative charts:
The Library button accesses the Library of Interpretation Texts used in the composing the reading. This allows you to select and deselect texts on an ad hoc basis. The Library is described in detail below. Click the OK button to create the reading for the horoscope. After a brief pause the interpretation is displayed in a window for you to read, and (in the Pro and Geo versions of ZET) to save to a file, or print. The structure and format of the interpretation depends on the type of reading and the settings selected. For example, if you select "In house order" then the natal horoscope reading consists of 12 sections based on the astrological houses of the chart, that is, areas of life. By default, each section by house covers in detail the following chart features:
Users can specify the texts used for horoscope readings - see Library of Interpretation Texts below. Readings can also be created by planet rather than by house.
Formatting and output options There are several options for controlling the formatting and the output of the interpretation document:
When you select the Web document output option, a copy of the reading is filed automatically in the [ZET]\Wrk folder under the name Interp.html. You can use your Web browser to save the reading using a different name. If you select the plain text output option, the reading is not automatically saved. To save the plain text reading, invoke the popup menu in the interpretation text window, and select one of the following options:
To automate the saving of interpretations with 'smart' naming, the option Save Interpretations to ZET's Reports folder on the General tab of the General Settings window must first be enabled. This enables the Interpretation Setup option for selecting the name of the interpretation file which will be saved to the [ZET]\Reports folder. For each interpretation ZET suggests a file name based on the type of chart and the name of the event data, but you can enter a file name of your choice. [[[Need to document the 2 buttons at right - the second enabled only for Synastry (and other dual?) charts.]]]
The Library of Interpretation Texts The Library of Interpretation Texts window can be opened by:
The Library is easy to understand if we follow thru the analogy:
The ZET library of Interpretation Texts is a system which allows you to:
Interpretation texts are stored on disk in the folder [ZET]\LANGUAGE\English\Txt. This folder is scanned by ZET at start-up, and files are analysed to determine how they should be classified in the Library catalog. It is essential that interpretation text files are marked-up according to the specific rules detailed below if they are to be recognized and handled correctly. ZET automatically maintains a catalog of available interpretation texts. This catalog is kept in the file LibrContent.txt in the ZET installation folder. The contents of this catalog file will normally vary for different users, depending on the files they have available in addition to those supplied with ZET.
Bookshelves Bookshelves are listed in the left pane of the Library window. They are selected by clicking them with the mouse. There are two Bookshelves of special significance: the Executive and Operational bookshelves. The The The Executive and Operational Bookshelves can be selected from any of those available. By default the Executive Bookshelf is set to 'Main', and the Operational Bookshelf to 'Operational'. A bookshelf contains only those books which have been assigned to it: these
are designated by a To include a book in a Bookshelf (or to exclude it): double-click the name of a book in the catalog listing; or press the Enter key when the book has been selected (gray background box); or use the "Include Book in current Bookshelf" menu option from the popup menu to toggle the selection. Book menu Right-clicking a book in the Catalog in the right pane displays a popup menu of options: ![]()
Bookshelf menu Right-clicking a bookshelf in the left pane displays a popup menu with these options: ![]()
The following section describes the syntax for marking-up texts for the Library.
If you are a professional astrologer, you can modify available texts to create
your own interpretations, create different versions of texts, etc.
Marking-up interpretation texts The marking-up means placing of special codes in the text for automatic extraction of fappropriated citations. There are some types of marking-up:
Simple Marking-up All files (i.e. Books) must commence with two required header lines. Below, for example, is the start of the file Engl. Planet_Aspects.txt:
// AP Planet Aspects // Aspects of Natal Planets [02.000.03] You always can say just what you mean. Almost always right-on when it comes to questions of feelings, you take an active interest in psychology, different cultures, and history. You can find support from all sides when it comes to any sort of mental activity -- writing, speaking, and all forms of communication. [02.180.03] It may be hard to find support for your ideas, and arguments may arise with those who oppose or challenge your way of thinking. You could find yourself thinking and presenting ideas that are out of place or don't go along with the current mood. Since you don't always pay attention to your own moods and feelings, some of your ideas may not even feel right to you. You could say things that upset or challenge those around you. You may be great at argument. ... [02.120.10] You have natural psychological ability, in particular when working with the public. You can handle emotional and personal issues (vulnerable areas) where angels fear to tread. People sense this about you and trust you with sensitive matters, inner worries, and questions of personal identity. You have a real mission and a sense of purpose. In the header the first two lines are obligatory. Notice that these lines begin with the two characters //. A code in the first line defines the type of text, i.e. the Theme. The second line specifies the text that will be used as the citation of this book. Other lines beginning with // are considered as textual annotations (comments), and are skipped over when the text is used. The thematic header category codes, their names, and their sectoring schema are as follows (these reside in the file [ZET]\LANGUAGE\English\LibrType.txt, which should be consulted for the full list): PS Planet in Sign [P.S] PH Planet in House [P.H] PHS Planet in House and Sign [P.H.S] AP Aspects of Planet [P.A.P] SA Sun + Ascendant [S.S] SD Sun in Decades [S.D] HS House in Sign [C.S] RHH Rules of House in House [uHH.hHH] ST Fixed Stars [Star] DG Sabian Symbols TR Transit - Aspects to Natal Planet [P.A.P] TRH Transit via Natal House [P.H] SHH Solar House in Radix House [C.H] SPP Aspects of Solar Planet [P.A.P] SPH Planet in Solar House [P.H] LHH Lunar House in Radix House [C.H] LPPL Aspects of Lunar Planet [P.A.P] LPPR Aspects "Planet of Lunar - Planet of Radix" [P.A.P] LPH Lunar Planet in Lunar House [P.H] SNPH Synastry: Planet in House [P.H] SNPP Synstry: Aspects of Planet [P.A.P] MS Moon in Zodiac Sign [S] MD Days of Moon [DD] TY Totem of Year [YY] TM Totem of Month [MM] TD Totem of Day [DD] P Planet - overview [P] S Sign - overview [S] H House - overview [H] ALAN Planet as Anareta and Alcocoden MID Planet in Midpoint [P.P.P] DIR Equatorial Direction, Aspects of Planet [P.A.P] PRO Progression, Aspects of Planet [P.A.P] Texts consist of a heading (see above), and a set of clauses which are parsed by ZET when it compiles the interpretation, selecting for inclusion those which accord with certain conditions. Each clause starts with a sub-heading code, which contains sectoring information identifiable by ZET, and is followed directly by the text of the clause. Consider the example shown above. Here the code of the main heading 'AP' signifies the theme 'Aspects of planets'. The associated sectoring schema, which describes the format of the sub-heading code required to identify the text clauses contained in the Book, is given as [P.A.P], where 'P' encodes a planet, and 'A' encodes an aspect or a numeric circle divisor (in degrees). P The code for a planet can be a numeric descriptor; a 2-letter identifier; or for Arabic Parts, a 3-letter code: 1 SU Sun 2 MO Moon 3 ME Mercury 4 VE Venus 5 MA Mars 6 JU Jupiter 7 SA Saturn 8 UR Uranus 9 NE Neptune 10 PL Pluto 11 North Node 12 South Node 13 Black Moon (Lilith) 14 White Moon (Selena) 15 Proserpine 16 CHI Chiron AS Ascendant (in some texts are same as planets) MC Midheaven for Pars Fortuna kre Cross of Destiny ... Other user-defined codes for Pars To encode an asteroid, use 'A' followed by the asteroid number in the Catalog, e.g. A3 is Juno. A Aspects are encoded either as a numeric descriptor; or a 3-letter identifier; or a number signifying the aspect's angular distance. If the latter option is used, the number must be composed of three digits (integer degrees). For example, an aspect with an angle of 22.5 degrees should be encoded as 023, and an aspect of 11.25 degrees as 011. The following are the currently recognized descriptors, identifiers, and aspect angles: 1 CNJ Conjunction 0 2 SSX Semisextile 30 3 Semiquintile 36 4 Novile 40 5 SSQ Semisquare 45 6 SXT Sextile 60 7 Quintile 72 8 SQR Square 90 9 Sesquiquintile 108 10 TRI Trine 120 11 SQQ Sesquiquadrate 135 12 Biquintile 144 13 Quincunx 150 14 OPP Opposition 180 P Parallel P^ Contraparallel S Signs of the zodiac are encoded as a numeric descriptor; or 2-letter identifier, as follows: 1 AR Aries 2 TA Taurus 3 GE Gemini 4 CA Cancer 5 LE Leo 6 VI Virgo 7 LI Libra 8 SC Scorpio 9 SA Sagittarius 10 CP Capricorn 11 AQ Aquarius 12 PI Pisces H House numbers are encoded by their usual (arabic) numerals (1... 12). C House cusps are encoded by taking the house number codes and adding 100 to the values (i.e. yielding 101, 102... 112). Stars, etc To use stars in interpretation texts, the BS number of the star in ZET's Star Catalog should be used in the sectoring data. Codes beginning with M are treated as references to an object in ZET's catalog of Nebulae,Galaxies. |