What is "planet in house" at astronomical viewpoint Lets consider following chart: - Z - zenith, - P - axis mundi (north pole of equator), - E - east point, - N - point of north. There are following rings: - horizon (E-N), - equator (crosses a horizon at E poiunt), - ecliptic (crosses a horizon at Asc point), - prime vertical (Z-E), - meridian (Z-P-N). Here you can really see a collision of "Ascendant" definition: 1. The point of crossing of ecliptic and horizon, rising degree of ecliptic. 2. The cusp of 1st house, considered as boundary of celestial sphere sectors. Usually, this is a horizon. Consider the Placidus house system, which house cusps will looks on a celestial sphere as follows: The rings of geographical latitude are rendered by dotted lines. If declination of any celestial body is greater, then geographical latitude, then it's Placidean house location do not recognized (or special definds by any manner).
So, when considered a "planet in house", "ingress of planet in house" and same concepts,
then should take into account an appropriate conditions of a celestial sphere.
This not been until now becouse of absence of appropriate computer programs supported this function.
The thin light-blue ring on a center - this is ecliptic, the middle dotted ring - equator, inner and outer dotted rings - are rings of geographical latitude. Here is clear view that Moon is located on a horizon. A.Z. 25.02.2008