Horary Wizard
To invoke the Horary Wizard click
"Tools" button on a toolbar and
select the
"Horary Wizard" menu item.
Input the name of horary chart, if you wish.
Select planets in the lists - significators of querent and quesited.
Do that by mouse click on the planet glyph in appropriate field.
Or select a houses of querent and quesited from a lists, the planets-significators
will be selected automatically.
Or click "Who ask a question?" button and select you need. Do same with
the "Signifacator of Question" button. The houses will be recognised automatically
(using house renumbering) and planets - significators.
Click "Radicality" button and, considering the hint, solve, can you get this chart
for answer or not, and how.
Click left bottom button in the Wizards window, will appears the graph and
table of actuaal aspects windows for 3 days (yestoday, today and tomorrow),
which will help you to get an answer.
If the Real Time Clock is switched on, then all these data dynamically repainted
accordingly with a clock.