Lilly's Table to Examine the Strength & Debility of Each Planet
Essential Dignities
Essential Debilities
In own sign or in mutual reception with
another planet by sign
In Detriment
In exaltation, or mutual reception by
In Fall
In own triplicity
In own terms
In own face
Accidental Dignities
Accidental Debilities
In the 10th or 1st house
In the 12th house
In 7th, 4th, or 11th house
In the 8th or 6th house
In the 2nd or 5th house
In the 9th house
In the 3rd House
Direct in Motion
Swift in Motion
Slow in Motion
Saturn, Jupiter, Mars when oriental
Saturn, Jupiter, Mars when occidental
Mercury, Venus when Occidental
Mercury, Venus when oriental
Moon increasing in light (waxing)
Moon decreasing in light (waning)
Free from combustion and Sun's beams
Combust (within 8°30' of Sun)
Cazimi (within 0°17' of the Sun)
Under Sun's beams (within 17° of the
Partile conjunction with Jupiter or
Partile conjunction with Saturn or Mars
Partile conjunction with North Node
Paritle Conjunction with South Node
Partile trine with Jupiter or Venus
Beseiged of Saturn and Mars
Partile sextile with Jupiter or Venus
Partile opposition with Saturn or Mars
Conjunct the fixed star Regulus (29°40
Partile square with Saturn or Mars
Conjunct the fixed Spica (23°40 Libra)
Conjunct the fixed Algol or within 5°
(26°04 Taurus)