Atlas Editor The Atlas window menu in ZET Pro and Geo contains additional functions for editing the main Atlases. (These functions are not implemented for World Atlas II). Atlas exchange format The World Atlas (and the Big Atlases) are in the [ZET]\ATLAS folder. Each one
consists of 6 files: This structure was developed for accelerated performance from various functions of the atlas and minimisation of size. The internal format used by atlases can be converted to, and from, a text interchange format. An Atlas in the interchange format is a single file X.txt, where X is the name of the Atlas. Here is a short fragment from an interchange format Atlas: C Code Latitude Longitude Reg AD TB SZ - ----- ---------- ----------- ---- -- -- -- P;PPL ;61°13'05"N;149°54'01"W;USAK; ;Es;03;Anchorage;Анкоридж;;; P;PPL ;17°32'00"S;149°34'00"W;PF ; ;(A;33;Papeete;Папаете;;; P;PPL ;54°19'00"N;130°19'00"W;CABC; ;-T;03;Prince Rupert;Принц Руперт;;; C Code - feature class and code, see PUBLIC NIMA GNS FEATURE DESIGNATION REFERENCE, Latitude and Longitude, Reg - region code, see Country Codes and codes of regions (states, provinces), AD - ADM code (not used), TB - code of time zone table, see correspondence of code and table name in the file ZET\Zones\index.dat. SZ - encoding of the city name display position and the relative city size. First digit: 0 - name located top-right from the city mark on the Geographical Map 1 - bottom-right 2 - bottom-left 3 - top-left Second digit: 1 - biggest city ... 7 - smallest settlement 8 - synonym 9 - deleted (temporary) English name, Russian name - optional, inaccessible in English version, skip - not used, Dimension - number of city inhabitants, or height of mountain (optional). Atlas Editor functions Add exchange file to current Atlas - used for bulk insertion of additional cities into the Atlas. You need to have prepared a list of cities in interchange format. Convert Atlas to exchange format - used for bulk editing of the Atlas. Selecting this menu option displays a confirmation message: "Convert Atlas to exchange file ATLAS\City.txt?". If you select "Yes", the file City.txt is created. Satisfactory completion is indicated by the message "Well Done". Create Atlas from exchange file - creates 6 internal format Atlas files from a specified interchange format file. A File selector dialog is opened for selecting the file to process. Existing Atlas files are overwritten by the new Atlas. Add New Record... - for adding a single city to the Atlas. The following dialog is displayed: Complete the fields (they are described above), and click OK. You can obtain the required TBL code from the Atlas by inspecting the data for an existing near-by city in the same administrative area. Delete Record... - if you're sure!, Edit Record... - for editing a single city in the Atlas. The following dialog is displayed: Complete the fields (they are described above), and click OK. The procedure may take some time, while ZET reoptimises the Atlas files. Convert ZET 6 exchange file to ZET 7 format - obsolete. Creating a Big Atlas The Big Atlases are accessible only in the Geo version of ZET. The Atlas window menu includes functions for creating a new Big Atlas from files in NIMA format. Let's consider as an example creating the Big Atlas for Australia. To do this: