Nadir. The lowest point below the Earth, or opposite point to the
Zenith. It should not be confused with the Imum Coeli. v. Celestial Sphere.
Naibod's Table of Times. (For calculating an arc of direction.) Determine the Right
Ascension of the bodies and subtract, to yield the length of the arc in degrees
and minutes. Then reduce to time, counting each degree equal to 1y 5d 8h, and
each minute of arc equal to 6d 4h. v. Directions.
Natal Astrology. Genethliacal Astrology. The department of Astrology which deals
with nativities - the influence of planets and signs upon the life and
character of the individual.
Native. The subject of a Celestial Figure.
Nativity. The Birth moment. (1) The instant wherein the native
first inhales, thereby commencing a process of blood conditioning that up to
that moment had been accomplished through the receptivities of another. During
the first days of life, in accordance with the law of adaptability, there
ensues a growth of channels of receptivity to cosmic energy which results in a
life-pattern of cosmic stimulation. (2) A Figure, or Horoscope, cast
for a date, moment and place of birth, as distinguished from an Electional or
Horary Figure.
Natural Day. v.
Nebo. "The Proclaimer," the Chaldean god which compares to
Mercury. He was known as the god of wisdom and learning. There is evidence that
the priestly school of Nebo had acquired a commanding position and widespread
fame as astrologers, before Babylon rose to political importance.
Nebuchadnezzar, Temple of. A famous temple at Barsippa, unearthed in modern times. A
veritable color chart of astrological symbols. Like many others it was built in
seven stages, each marked by a different hue. The lowest stage was black and
symbolized Saturn; the second, orange (the hue of sandalwood), symbolized
Jupiter; the third, red, Mars; the fourth, yellow, the Sun; the fifth, green,
Venus; the sixth, blue, Mercury; and the seventh, white or silver, symbolized
the Moon.
Nebulae. Star clusters in which the light of the individual stars,
because of their distance, merge to give the impression of a cloud with a more
or less well-defined center. Great numbers of them are found in the heavens,
and when one of them is rising at birth, or is in conjunction with the Moon, it
is said to produce blindness or other ocular defect.
The principal nebulae noted in
Astrology are: Praesepe, The Hyades, The Pleiades in 29° Taurus-Scorpio; the
Aselli in 61, Leo-Aquarius; and Aldebaran-Antares in 8° Gemini-Sagittarius.
Ptolemy refers to the "cloudy spot of Cancer, the Pleiades of Taurus, the
Arrow-head of Sagittarius, the sting of Scorpio, the parts about the mane of
Leo, and the urn of Aquarius" in reference to blindness. The Ascendant or
Moon in any of these positions and afflicted by Mars indicates blindness from
an accident or by violence; afflicted by Saturn, by a natural defect, such as
the inhibiting or decay of the optic nerve, cataract, glaucoma, or obstructing
Negative Sign. An even-numbered sign. v. Sign.
Neomenium. The new Moon. Neomenia. The festival of the
new Moon.
Neptune. v.
New Year's Day. v.
Night Houses. v.
Ninib. Chaldean equivalent of Saturn.
Nodes, Moon's. Variously called the Ascending and Descending Nodes, the North
and South Nodes, Caput Draconis or the Dragon's Head, Cauda Draconis, the
Katababazon, or the Dragon's Tail. The Nodes regress about 3° of arc per diem.
There is much argument as to whether any intrinsic influences repose in the
Nodes comparable to the radiation emitted by reflection of a planet. In all
probability the ancients read more from a Celestial Figure by virtue of a
greater comprehension of the astronomical mechanics it represents, than do most
moderns. The position of the Node can show whether there was an eclipse
condition shortly before or after birth, whether a planet near the Node would
shortly be accented by the Moon's transit, or that of the Sun, and similar and
sundry factors which the modern astrologer can trace from the ephemeris but
often does not. The Nodes of themselves merely point to places where something
may happen at such and such a time - which of itself is no small matter. Things
happen because of the time, the place and the planet, and the Node is often the
middle factor in that formula (v. Moon.)
In 18 years and 10 or 11 days the Node
regresses 349 degrees, hence in that period at a point 11 degrees in advance,
an eclipse or a series of eclipses recurs under similar conditions. Astronomers
calculate eclipses by means of the Saros Cycle rather than by the use of the
Placement of the Ascending Node
oriental of the Line of Advantage is deemed preferable, as stimulating, among
other things, increased stature. The Line of advantage joins the third decans
of the Third and Ninth Houses.
The position of the Sun on the North
Node in the Nativity of H. P. Blavatsky is supposed to have profoundly
influenced her life. It might well be for it indicates a prenatal solar eclipse
at that point only a matter of days before her birth. The ancients held that
the Moon's North Node partook of the nature of Venus and Jupiter, while the
South Node partook of the nature of Mars and Saturn. Probably more helpful
would be the observation that a planet in close conjunction to the North Node
at birth would bring honors or riches; at the South Node, poverty and
afflictions and a cruel or usurious nature - according to the character of the
planet so placed, as modified by the Houses thus tenanted. It is doubtless also
of significance in connection with transit and progressions, particularly those
of the Moon, only this would appear to involve the regressed position of the
Node at the date for which the transit or progression is computed.
Nodes of the Planets. The points at which the orbits of the planets intersect the
ecliptic, because of the inclination of their planes to the plane of the
Earth's orbit.
One authority states that a lunation
or eclipse on the South Node of a planet tends to release a destructive force
of the nature of the planet involved. For example, conditions centering around
Saturn's South Node may indicate a drought following an unusually hard winter.
Nomes. Each Nome, or province, of ancient Egypt had its own god or
totem, its own capital, frontiers and coat-of-arms. Hence the Nomes were either
an ancient equivalent of our later systems of geographical Rulerships, or an
older and better term for what are now termed Houses, as indicating two-hour
arcs of ascension.
North Point. The Immum Coeli, or cusp of the Fourth House; placed at the
bottom of the map.
Northern Signs. The Commanding Signs, Aries to Virgo, pursuing the order of the
Sign. v.
Nova. Literally, a new star. Actually a nova is an old star which from
an unknown cause appears to have exploded with cataclysmic violence. The first
nova of record appeared suddenly on November 11, 1572, in the Constellation
Cassiopeia, in the third decanate of Pisces - known as the decanate of
Vicissitudes. It was an ancient belief that from the constellation in which any
unusual phenomenon appeared could be judged the department of life that would
be most affected. This nova was discovered by Tycho Brahe. On the previous
August 24th, the massacre of Bartholomew in Paris with the King's sanction
incited the Huguenots to a resort to arms, in the belief that it was a
messenger of hope sent from heaven. They made a successful defense of La
Rochelle, and in consequence were granted a measure of tolerance. Two years
later Henry of Navarre escaped from Paris to become their leader, and thus began
a new life for them.
Nova Hercules 1934 was the 79th nova
since the one discovered by Tycho Brahe, few of which have been spectacular.
The three notable novae during the present century were:
February 1901, in Perseus, in the
third or Propaganda decanate of Aries. It was the year of the Pan-American
Exposition, in Buffalo, in which Northern Pacific stock touched 1000.
June 1918, in Aquila, in the second or
Exploration decanate of Sagittarius. It was the year in which an American
Expeditionary Force on foreign soil turned the tide of World War I.
December 1934, in Hercules, in
Experience decanate of Virgo, the sign ruling labor, and connotated with the
Twelve Labors of Hercules. It increased in brilliance from fourteenth magnitude
on November 14th, to first magnitude on December 22nd.